Muscular Villain

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  • mayena

    3 years ago

    German born bodybuilder Markus Mueller was killed in front of his Bonita Springs, Florida residence (9/2/1995). The gunman was hired by a rival bodybuilder David Bieber, who when he found out he was named the prime suspect escaped to England in 1996. David murdered a Leeds, Yorkshire police officer (26/12/2003). David is currently serving a life sentence in the United Kingdom. South Beach Academy must have been filmed in late summer or early autumn in 1994 even though it was released in 1996.

  • richardjasper

    3 years ago

    He was murdered at age 29 by another bodybuilder. I wondered why I'd never heard of him. Impressive physique.

  • MaleUrge

    3 years ago

    I love the way this is slowed down

  • mystery7

    3 years ago

    What films is this from?


    3 years ago

    south beach academy... Marcus Mueller.