This recalls school days and the thrill of having a muscle boy in class. I remember trying to scope out the best vantage point to grab an eyeful while remaining discreet, often slightly behind and off to the side. Here, I imagine sitting across from him in some study group, taking in the fullness of his pecs beneath his shirt and his arms swelling his sleeves, while straining to seem nonchalant and focused on the discussion. I'd love to see how his wide back stretches his shirt. Awesome neck.
7 months agoThis recalls school days and the thrill of having a muscle boy in class. I remember trying to scope out the best vantage point to grab an eyeful while remaining discreet, often slightly behind and off to the side. Here, I imagine sitting across from him in some study group, taking in the fullness of his pecs beneath his shirt and his arms swelling his sleeves, while straining to seem nonchalant and focused on the discussion. I'd love to see how his wide back stretches his shirt. Awesome neck.
1 Year agoHuge pecs
1 Year agoWhat a fucking HOTTIE!!! esp in that shirt
1 Year agoKarl Nadolsky
1 Year agoKarl Nadoskly, one of my muscle idols from a lot of years ago.
1 Year agoYes. Hot, hot, hot.
More please. I understand hi has a complete video naked
1 Year agoHe's a doctor now. I met with him and took several videos
1 Year agoSo fucking hot