Michael Kefalianos Posing New York Pro Show 2011

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  • Yellowtrash

    4 months ago

    That Muscled Ass

  • Hellcatedy

    10 years ago

    I agree that Michael gives me the biggest instant boner! Love his posers too!

  • Anonymous

    10 years ago

    Sexy boy.

  • glorious9er

    12 years ago

    Agree totally with gappythree How this BB prances on the stage He'd sure be more than glad to pose totally nude, in private I suppose Like how his glutes are barely covered cos of them skimpy posers

  • gappythree

    12 years ago

    He gives me an instant hard on! I think if I was in the audience watching this big hunk of beef my cock wouldbe out and I would be wanking it like hell.. PHEW!!!!