HOLD ON!! If you have one half the body that Zeb has...then you can make that comment...but otherwise.....stick it....and if he was sixty and looked like that....you wouldnt throw him out of bed...
come on bud, get real.
He cant act worth shit, LOL, agreed, but give credit where credit is due.
I didn't realize it was Mark Dalton and didn't realize he was in jail for assaulting his wife. Total turn-off after hearing that; what a loser beating on a woman.
7 months agoMark Dalton and Zeb Atlas. Couldn't get enough of this video!
12 years agoLove the interaction between these two musclestuds. super hot!
12 years agonah, he has a horse face, sorry, free speech bro!
12 years agoHOLD ON!! If you have one half the body that Zeb has...then you can make that comment...but otherwise.....stick it....and if he was sixty and looked like that....you wouldnt throw him out of bed...
come on bud, get real.
He cant act worth shit, LOL, agreed, but give credit where credit is due.
12 years agoZeb is such a fossil, he'll be 60 doing this shit-LOL
12 years agoI didn't realize it was Mark Dalton and didn't realize he was in jail for assaulting his wife. Total turn-off after hearing that; what a loser beating on a woman.
12 years agoI love Mark Dalton's body...then you compare the size of his bicep to Zeb's...I'd still take either.
12 years agoHot shower scene at end worshipping each other.
12 years agoThis video is from 2007
12 years agoDVD is called "The Texas Two Step" with Mark Dalton