Cedric WAS 'Kevin' after all

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  • mayena

    2 years ago

    Cedric T. Doyon.

  • mayena

    6 years ago

    Maybe the tad homophobic accusations by some patrons is there unenthusiatic and uncomfortable body expressions by the dancers.

  • xychromo

    12 years ago

    BTW what, I wonder, made you drag in the image of "lashing out" against gay guys? My exchanges with myena were about SUBTLE signs of homophobia.

  • xychromo

    12 years ago

    Ardat, you're as wrong as wrong can be about these guys. And you're wrong in saying that ONLY guys unsure of their own sexuality hold & express homophobic views: all kinds of guys whose str8ness you'd be very hard-pressed to deny are just as homophobic--and more so. Your entire comment, in fact, is nothing but parroted gaythink at its worst.

  • ardat

    12 years ago

    only guys uncomfortable with their own sexuality need to lash out against homos....those boys are gay as can be, and they desperately try to convince themselves they are not. too bad, they would have so much fun ;)

  • doodleguy99

    12 years ago


  • xychromo

    12 years ago

    Myena, while I agree (and who wouldn't?) with what you say, I'm no longer sure if you're making a point or asking a question. Most ANY str8 guy harbors some sort of negativity, largely unconscious, about gays (& I gave you an example of how it might be reflexively 'vocalized')--but I haven't any surveillance tapes & transcripts proving blatant homophobic speech or subtle anti-gay body language--if that's what you're after.

  • mayena

    12 years ago

    Homophobia can mean slight, subtle, extreme actions verbal and physical.

  • xychromo

    12 years ago

    Oh, sure, mayena, reflexive, unthinking homophobia would sometimes slip out (as in "that cheap faggot" instead of "stingy old bastard") but a truly malignant homophobe wouldn't have lasted long there--either repelled by the ambience itself or because his str8 peers would have told him to can any anti-gay thinking or behavior.

  • mayena

    12 years ago

    @ xychromo thanks but I was wondering were some dancers caught vocalizing homophobic remarks even though most of the patrons was homosexual males.