Am simply speechless ! Luv his full, heavy pecs making the nips point downwards And, oh, the symmetry Love how he points out the perfect development of the various muscle parts Great posers, too (kinda of "see-thru" reminds me of Paco Bautista's posers! Full (real?) name, pleas
Don't think its "Joel"
1 Year agoI remember when he competed. Muscular ass to die for. He was shaping up to be a big deal in bodybuilding. Then he vanished, POOF!
10 years ago
I would love to meet Joe!!
11 years agoI'd love to hold onto those legs and suck his cock dry!
13 years agoAm simply speechless ! Luv his full, heavy pecs making the nips point downwards And, oh, the symmetry Love how he points out the perfect development of the various muscle parts Great posers, too (kinda of "see-thru" reminds me of Paco Bautista's posers! Full (real?) name, pleas
Don't think its "Joel"
13 years agothat ass deserves some deep thought.
13 years agoOMFG i wish my clothes fitted like that!!!!!!!!
14 years agodamn gorgeous, look at that tshirt n jeans fit!!! back, pecs, ass!
15 years agoSuper Stud. I wanna fuck him!
15 years agoOMG AWESOME
15 years agoOh hes such a man.would luv to see his cock and worship him