Added: 11 years ago
This is Tiger from Now a few things I'd like to know if anyone could help me out: 1) When and why did this site get closed down? 2) Does anyone have any stats(ex height, weight) of Tiger or knowing anything else about him? and 3) Does anyone have the rest of his videos from this site?
P.S. - Sorry about the really talkative cameraman aka "Mr. Director". I know it is kind of distracting and annoying:P
9 years agohi..there´s no button download anymore?
10 years agoanymore videos of this guy anywhere?
11 years agothe reason the site closed: the stupid director... there u go
11 years agoI wouldn't mind the cameraman talking so much if he weren't COMPLETELY FLAMING. Seriously, why do the ankle-grabbing lisping guys get to video masculine muscular men? Why is it never another masculine muscular man?
11 years agoOh wow, you're right "Big Cat" is Tiger:P I wonder does he still wrestle?
11 years agoActually, those tattoos match a guy who used to be a wrestler in OVW and DCW. He wrestled under the name, The Big Cat.
11 years agoScott Cullens. Was recently on 'Extreme Builds' on A&E making it as a home builder.