Muscle worship

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  • Anonymous

    9 years ago

    This is retarded! Posing with a sack over your head. Why bother if you're that ashamed of what you're doing?

  • Anonymous

    9 years ago

    Cassinelli's stuff is crap. When is this model going to have his baby. Horrible extended belly. He probably has a 20 pound tumor on his 'roided liver. This video is enough to make a dog puke.

  • gremlin8

    10 years ago

    I am also unimpressed by the Cassinelli stuff. Hunky men in some of them, but the filming and editing is normally crap. This one, however, almost verges on intriguing, but in the end it does not really amount to much.

  • zzz55

    10 years ago

    That is one hot muscle stud! Anyone know who he is or what the title of this clip is?

  • Anonymous

    10 years ago

    Although this one is pretty good, I had seen a lot of the videos of Cassinelli and had found them to be annoying and not very good at all. Even so I decided to give them a chance and went to the website and subscribed. Let me tell you here and now, I wasted my money. The videos you have to pay for are even worse than these free ones. I was extremely disappointed. Don't waste your money. These videos are CRAP with a capital C!!