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  • nosnamreh

    4 years ago

    Is he complaining about his precious asshole exposure? Tough. I'm sure he demands a nice paycheck.
    I would like to see him take it to a new level. How about showing what is hiding among his pubes. Can
    only fantasize until he finally takes it all off. JO time, Con!!

  • strweed

    5 years ago

    After all that teasing and careful control of his image, I can't believe he didn't know Jimmy Z was going to expose his asshole in this shoot. I remember reading a follow bodybuilders. post about this shoot and that Con wasn't happy with the fact that he can be seen spread open like this, as I understand he wanted to break into mainstream acting. Hot butthole, though!


    4 years ago

    I agree. There's no way that Con didn't know that his asshole was exposed. Look at how wide he's spreading his cheeks. He was probably loving every minute of it.

  • rubbvigo

    8 years ago

    Ohhhhh Con, como fantaseo CON tus monstruosos musculos, te adoro.

  • Anonymous

    8 years ago

    HE'S A GOD!

  • gremlin8

    8 years ago

    Just so fucking handsome.