For whatever reason, this guy’s physique never appealed to me. Even as I soured on the pro scene of the 2000s, certain pic & vids of Coleman, Cutler, and Heath could still rev me up. This is one of the few Kai clips that excites me, as he’s just hulked out with beefy muscle here.
11 years ago
I love Kai! Loved his show @ Jimmyz Wish more Pro BBs had the balls to show it ALL for us dudes who love muscle HUNKS!!!
10 months agoFor whatever reason, this guy’s physique never appealed to me. Even as I soured on the pro scene of the 2000s, certain pic & vids of Coleman, Cutler, and Heath could still rev me up. This is one of the few Kai clips that excites me, as he’s just hulked out with beefy muscle here.
11 years agoI love Kai! Loved his show @ Jimmyz Wish more Pro BBs had the balls to show it ALL for us dudes who love muscle HUNKS!!!
14 years agoOMFG can someone get beefier??? those pecs, roid gut, that back!!!! arms, traps! I GO CRAZY!
14 years agoGod, he wa so fricking hot at that time. I hope he blows up to thoses dimensions again!
14 years agoOMG! There's enough meat on him to feed a family of 5 for 1 week...
14 years agoWOW...if kai gets any bigger he's gonna need his own f*ing zip code!
14 years agoI wanna fuck his tits and cum on his huge back and ass.
15 years agodahn you fine baby FINE