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Nice male ! I’ll wrestle him anytime? Where is he ?
WARNING, he's a ifbb pro now... His name is Cesar Pat,this is my personal trainer
This guy is my personnal trainer
This guy is Amaury Patte, I follow him on Insta, he had start steroids at 15 old, so huge since
nice bum
3 years agoNice male ! I’ll wrestle him anytime? Where is he ?
2 years agoWARNING, he's a ifbb pro now... His name is Cesar Pat,this is my personal trainer
3 years agoThis guy is my personnal trainer
3 years agoThis guy is Amaury Patte, I follow him on Insta, he had start steroids at 15 old, so huge since
5 years agonice bum