HOTT 1354 Videos

Masked Weigh-in

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  • rinran

    5 years ago

    @dhalden You have to wear a respirator mask, the little paper mask dont do shit, and in this summer climate it is VERY unhealthy breathing in your own air. Stop being a little sheep, and most of the media is trash and proven itself to be such anyway.

  • mjolesko

    5 years ago

    And please, let’s not bring the argument about mask vs no mask to this page. Let’s just try to enjoy the muscle and sex.

  • mjolesko

    5 years ago

    These must be the classic physique competitors. Lots of extremely defined muscle but not much hardcore beef

  • dhalden

    5 years ago

    Masks reduce risk of infection of the wearer by up to 65%. Let some some of that blood flow back from your dicks into your brains and do a simple search to find the most basic of studies:

  • mmafan27

    5 years ago

    THANK YOU@ LORDBLACK Those paper mask don't protect you from getting sick, and its not healthy at all breathing in your own air, especially in the heat and humidity. People are already starting to get breathing issues.

  • mmafan27

    5 years ago

    THANK YOU@ LORDBLACK Those paper mask don't protect you from getting sick, and its not healthy at all breathing in your own air, especially in the heat and humidity. People are already starting to get breathing issues.

  • lordblack

    5 years ago

    Take those silly masks off! Mindless sheep!

  • gremlin8

    5 years ago

    A depressing reality