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Cocky College Wrestler Showin Off His Cock

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  • schs1977

    4 years ago

    I wrestled in high school. A signlet is made of lyra (or some such material) and when wearing leaves nothing to the imagination. Dude obviously is well hung who have a big cock and big balls. As the old saying goes "if you have it flaunt it".

  • mim

    7 years ago

    There are two type of hung guys. The macho ones tat love to show their huge tools and find tons of suckers, that go on their knees instantly (I belong to that group) and then there are those who are a bit a shamed. The better want to go down on their knees and service a huge tool. My boyfriend is like that. He is hung 21cm and somehow hates because he only want to worship guys bigger then him and that is hard to find. But we are a perfect match.

  • 10 years ago

    Full macho basket