I have a vague recollection of seeing this vid years ago, and I especially appreciated the juxtaposition of his youthful, shy cuteness with his impressive size, always a turn-on. That little necklace draped across his beefy chest somehow adds to the erotic charge. But who could have predicted that he’d nearly double in size to become the hulking beast we now know? It’d be cool if someone worked up a vid showing his transformation.
Are these workingmuscle.com videos available on a commercial site. The pumpingmuscle franchise went through so many changes that it is almost unusable now.
1 Year agoI have a vague recollection of seeing this vid years ago, and I especially appreciated the juxtaposition of his youthful, shy cuteness with his impressive size, always a turn-on. That little necklace draped across his beefy chest somehow adds to the erotic charge. But who could have predicted that he’d nearly double in size to become the hulking beast we now know? It’d be cool if someone worked up a vid showing his transformation.
3 years agoWhy he made this video ?
3 years agoAre these workingmuscle.com videos available on a commercial site. The pumpingmuscle franchise went through so many changes that it is almost unusable now.