Not much around of this guy around, but he’s stunning. He’s like the prototypical big high school jock doubled in size. Just imagine sitting behind this wall of beef in one of your college classes. Uh, was the professor saying something? We don’t get to see much except his arms here, but they’re fucking amazing! A nice vid to loop when you’re thirsty for some prime biceps porn.
11 months agoNot much around of this guy around, but he’s stunning. He’s like the prototypical big high school jock doubled in size. Just imagine sitting behind this wall of beef in one of your college classes. Uh, was the professor saying something? We don’t get to see much except his arms here, but they’re fucking amazing! A nice vid to loop when you’re thirsty for some prime biceps porn.
6 years agoCUte guy-
14 years agoAWESOME!
14 years agoFEED ME
14 years agose me hace agua la boca con este bebe!!!
14 years agoI think during that period he was only 19 or 20. If it is true thats incredible for a young age.