Check out all this muscle and freaky strength!

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  • edeo

    9 months ago

    Creepy like all AI. Not sure what all the talking adds to a still image.

  • geeguy

    10 months ago

    Amazing!! Just wish we could see the bars actually being bent ;)


    10 months ago

    Thanks. Yeah I agree. However. real life human AI image animation is very challenging & a talent I currently am working on using Blender software

  • Musclover40

    10 months ago

    So hot.


    10 months ago

    Thank You ;)

  • mashgrin1

    10 months ago

    Wow ! That is really all i can dream of! Thank you so much! I can’t wait for your next videos…. Please make them longer…. Wow! I am so excited


    10 months ago

    Thank You. Unfortunately "Hey Gen" which is the deep fake I use (it is the best in my opinion), only allows 1 minute video creations.

  • Luvnatem

    10 months ago

    This was hot! Best use of AI I’ve seen so far lol.


    10 months ago

    Thank You ;)