Bodybuilder Matt Miller nude photoshoot

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  • bigv626

    3 months ago

    His balls are so full!

  • 1rc1

    1 Year ago

    Matt's balls always look like they have been pumped to swell-- but he is just blessed. JimmyZ always did the best work-- and his bar stripper shows are greatly missed.

  • M1000

    2 years ago

    I like him. He can shoot his cum all over me

  • eliasadc

    2 years ago

    that body and dick combo is amazing

  • brettmycles

    3 years ago

    That HUGE shaved balls are amazing

  • nosnamreh

    4 years ago

    I would gladly offer to oil him up and be his fluffer de jour.

  • mim

    4 years ago

    amazing body and fat cock.

  • califpnpdad

    4 years ago

    Incredible body, balls, cock!

  • RC

    4 years ago

    Huge set of balls.

  • rajtennis

    9 years ago

    Nice to see a mature man posing. We need more of them doing it.