shaking his smooth trimmed ass

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  • jedavis55

    2 years ago

    I know him as Alan Lamas

  • gayous

    5 years ago

    Whats his name :O

  • schs1977

    8 years ago

    Nice legs, nice cock, nice ass

  • rajtennis

    9 years ago

    Oh! Forgot that he always has a stiff one when i he playing with his butt. That shows he is sexually aroused by butt play. This is a critical thing.

  • rajtennis

    9 years ago

    I like this man because he knows his audience. That is more than most people that have sites.

  • gappythree

    10 years ago

    Great cock and great nipples.....

  • muzzles

    10 years ago

    he is my god love his cockiness and amazing pecs I realise he is probably juiced up but that makes him sexier!!

  • mjolesko

    10 years ago

    I've always been fascinated by his thighs and meaty ass.

  • jamieh1974

    10 years ago

    love his body