mark dalton

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  • soulpecs

    11 years ago

    Mark's always had one of the most awesome muscle bods on the internet. His symmetry & density has always amazed me. Love all his vids!

  • asian muscle slut

    11 years ago

    what happened to mark dalton! his face looks emaciated. i hope it's not drugs. he looks like a different person! sexier deeper voice though...

  • yortamn

    11 years ago

    Agreed, xychromo. Too bad about the tats. They only detract from what is otherwise a great specimen of muscular manhood.

  • xychromo

    11 years ago

    I'll leave it to true muscle mavens to judge, but MD seems to be working very hard to stay in top shape, and successfully. (The tats were a regrettable move, of course, and the tuff-guy talk is predictably silly, but I've heard worse--a LOT worse. As cringe-making as that stuff usually is, str8 guys are never as embarrassing as gay guys almost inevitably are.)