Pump and Flex Bicep Worship

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  • JostinHulk

    9 months ago

    I need to bicep fight him bad!!!

  • Todd999

    1 Year ago

    This guy still around?

  • scoop58

    1 Year ago

    I like all of this except....the "fuckin' faggot" comments...

  • eteromuscolo

    2 years ago

    let Simeone touch those biceps


    2 years ago

    Wow what a hunk.

  • Luvmesomemusic

    5 years ago

    Take away the words "sniff" and "fuckin'", MAYBE you'll have three words!! LOL!!

  • dbon123

    5 years ago

    good god, what an ass.

  • dbon123

    5 years ago

    What a douchebag.

  • Anonymous

    8 years ago

    Don't you guys get that this is a custom made videos and the "client" probably told him that sniffing was his kink... thus he obliged.


    3 years ago

    I "get that" just fine. That doesn't make me like him any more.

  • Anonymous

    8 years ago

    Don't you guys get that this is a custom made videos and the "client" probably told him that sniffing was his kink... thus he obliged.