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Loki on Thunders Arena wrestling.
I read an article stating how anti-gay he's become. Don't know the guy so I don't know if it's true. HOT body, except for all the acne.
Although straight, he's absolutely gay-friendly. What he IS, however, is anti-rudeness: many people stalk him and are incredibly disrespectful.
Whatever his name, he's just plain adorable. And wherever he goes, I'm sure he leaves a trail of broken hearts behind him.
Whats that a hot guy.
Full name Jake Burton.
stu from sean cody
4 years agoLoki on Thunders Arena wrestling.
7 years agoI read an article stating how anti-gay he's become. Don't know the guy so I don't know if it's true. HOT body, except for all the acne.
2 years agoAlthough straight, he's absolutely gay-friendly. What he IS, however, is anti-rudeness: many people stalk him and are incredibly disrespectful.
7 years agoWhatever his name, he's just plain adorable. And wherever he goes, I'm sure he leaves a trail of broken hearts behind him.
7 years agoWhats that a hot guy.
7 years agoFull name Jake Burton.
7 years agostu from sean cody