Every facet of this man’s physique was boner-inducing. This brief clip can’t measure up to the orgasmic nirvana of his long-form nude webcam sessions, some of the sexiest muscle scenes ever shot, but it’s still hot. Sometimes a short, easily looped vid is just what we need, to focus on a particular aspect of muscularity. Here, we can savor not only his tasty chest, but his round, juicy delts and meaty arms. His luscious nips remain hidden but press out beneath his tank as his pecs swell.
OMG, what a turn on, handsome, sexy and if I had a pair of scissors I would cut those straps.
I would place his pecs in the hall of fame!!! And, I would bet the farm that the
rest of the package is just as incredible. Does anyone know of other vids of this hunk?
7 months agoEvery facet of this man’s physique was boner-inducing. This brief clip can’t measure up to the orgasmic nirvana of his long-form nude webcam sessions, some of the sexiest muscle scenes ever shot, but it’s still hot. Sometimes a short, easily looped vid is just what we need, to focus on a particular aspect of muscularity. Here, we can savor not only his tasty chest, but his round, juicy delts and meaty arms. His luscious nips remain hidden but press out beneath his tank as his pecs swell.
2 years agoyes, one of my all time favorites...but of course way to short......he is so gorgeous with rock hard muscle just waiting to be worshiped...
2 years agoEverything is so huge….you’re such a muscle god
3 years agoEliah is JACKED & JUICED to the max - AMAZING PHYSIQUE
4 years agoOMG, what a turn on, handsome, sexy and if I had a pair of scissors I would cut those straps.
I would place his pecs in the hall of fame!!! And, I would bet the farm that the
rest of the package is just as incredible. Does anyone know of other vids of this hunk?
5 years agohis face, arms, veins and traps leave ME breathless!
5 years agoHe's hiding his most impressive assets under those muscle shirt straps.
5 years agoHello
How are you,
Please contact me on my private email,i want to tell you something important jessicalopezl322@gmail.com
5 years agoElijah Lorono