been a fan of yours for several years now. Always watched your videos on friends computers. Now that I've got my own, I'll be watching your gorgeous body a lot more. Would sure like to feel your hard as stone muscles!!!
Incredible body - great pec shots, but it took to long to take that shirt off - why have it on in the first place. Front Bicep shots please - how about a double bi shot. Has the bod, let's see more of it.
10 years agothat's hot bro
11 years agobeen a fan of yours for several years now. Always watched your videos on friends computers. Now that I've got my own, I'll be watching your gorgeous body a lot more. Would sure like to feel your hard as stone muscles!!!
13 years agoDon't think (or hope) he's dead. His youtube is still running :/
14 years agodid this guy really pass away..judging by the acne and tits it could only be one thing...sucha waste I hope rest in peace.
15 years agoNICE BICEPS man!
15 years agoIncredible body - great pec shots, but it took to long to take that shirt off - why have it on in the first place. Front Bicep shots please - how about a double bi shot. Has the bod, let's see more of it.
15 years agoSadly, Gary died a couple of weeks ago :(
16 years agonice body, man. keep pumping.