Is there anything better than seeing a big, handsome muscleman posing in the sun? I loved this guy’s teen pics in Muscle Mag and of course his ESPN vid with Moyzan as a very big young man, but he grew really nicely. He’s so thick here, it’s thrilling. That ass shot in the hot tub is amazing.
1 Year agoIs there anything better than seeing a big, handsome muscleman posing in the sun? I loved this guy’s teen pics in Muscle Mag and of course his ESPN vid with Moyzan as a very big young man, but he grew really nicely. He’s so thick here, it’s thrilling. That ass shot in the hot tub is amazing.
4 years agothis guy leaves me breathless. incredible amount of work went into this gorgeous specimen.
4 years agoA real bodybuilder. NICE GLUTES.