Content with muscle mags, I came late to gay porn, so this scene was a treat, with such a gorgeous and muscular couple. The blond, Kyle Dean, is awesome, but I was entranced by the dark-haired Collin Simpson here. His ass is sublime, but it was his lats and chest which won me over. Years ago, I had a crush on a bartender at work, Tom, to whom he bears resemblance. I was obsessed with Tom's big chest and arms, swelling beneath his white dress shirt, as I dreamed of seeing him in all his glory.
6 months agoContent with muscle mags, I came late to gay porn, so this scene was a treat, with such a gorgeous and muscular couple. The blond, Kyle Dean, is awesome, but I was entranced by the dark-haired Collin Simpson here. His ass is sublime, but it was his lats and chest which won me over. Years ago, I had a crush on a bartender at work, Tom, to whom he bears resemblance. I was obsessed with Tom's big chest and arms, swelling beneath his white dress shirt, as I dreamed of seeing him in all his glory.
2 years agoRight one's ID?
3 years agoMuscle babe on the right got boned. Nice.
3 years agoBeaucoup de beaux morceaux de viande fraiche
6 years agolove the blonds hairy muscle butt
8 years agoDAMN! The dark haired dude is HOT
8 years agoGREAT ASSES ..!!
8 years agoTwo meaty well shaped asses. The voice over I could do without
8 years agoand the rest form the video????
8 years agoFrom the Gayhoopla website.