I love the moodiness, seediness and downright horny ambience of black and white. It sort of brings back the days when i used to buy the muscle mags rush off home and have a massive session of wanking cumming several times in a row.... Ah those were the days!!
I love the chiaroscuro & the interplay of
shadows which highlights & creates mood and
depth. The man's huge muscles are great too & seem tp come to life in the contrasts of shadow.
11 months agoLove a muscular guy posing in a jockstrap
11 years agoMAN WHAT A STUD
14 years agoI love the moodiness, seediness and downright horny ambience of black and white. It sort of brings back the days when i used to buy the muscle mags rush off home and have a massive session of wanking cumming several times in a row.... Ah those were the days!!
14 years agoI love the chiaroscuro & the interplay of
shadows which highlights & creates mood and
depth. The man's huge muscles are great too & seem tp come to life in the contrasts of shadow.
15 years ago
15 years agoThanks Musc. You have made my day! I love this video too!
15 years agolove very much this vintage video
real hot this bodybuilder