This man’s physique made me so horny back in his 90s heyday, impelling me toward uncounted orgasms over mag pics and TV coverage of his huge and shapely muscles. I taped his AMM sessions and replayed them regularly in slo-mo for maximum pleasure. Thankfully, MVJ and other such videos weren’t financially feasible for me then, as this footage is so insanely hot, it would have deterred for having a normal life and continuing to make a living. That body is utterly mouthwatering. Oof.
4 months agoThis man’s physique made me so horny back in his 90s heyday, impelling me toward uncounted orgasms over mag pics and TV coverage of his huge and shapely muscles. I taped his AMM sessions and replayed them regularly in slo-mo for maximum pleasure. Thankfully, MVJ and other such videos weren’t financially feasible for me then, as this footage is so insanely hot, it would have deterred for having a normal life and continuing to make a living. That body is utterly mouthwatering. Oof.
4 years agoI love him so much
13 years agoKinda hot seeing a bodybuilder working out oiled and in posing trunks!