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Scott Gunz: Rough Muscle Worship

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  • saulhopkins247

    2 years ago


  • voy4u

    2 years ago

    Love seeing the outline of his big soft cock in that clingy poser. Thanks Scott for showing off.

  • jpatron98

    6 years ago

    Nice cock!

  • Anonymous

    11 years ago

    Scott Mahar IS a nice guy--genuinely so. Despite a hardscrapple life (including doing time), when he was stripping, appearing (solo) in porn,& otherwise playing to the guys, he had endearingly sweet, old-fashioned, Southern-style manners that made his overwhelming masculinity all the more thrilling.


    12 years ago

    Love the guy. Muscular and sexy. Great combination.

  • glorious9er

    12 years ago

    OMG that bulge in them nearly see-thru thin red posers
    Love how we can see that cock (great mushroom-head) makes me wild

  • glorious9er

    12 years ago

    Luv that 'stache As handsome as can be !! And oh, what magnificient guns !

  • devolver

    12 years ago

    @Tex Jones
    That is scary. I think it's a turn on when muscle guys "act" verbally abusive like this, so long as that's what the other guy wants. There's nothing hot about it if the guy really is pissed off and wants to hurt you for real. If your ex was a strong guy with an abusive tendency it's good you got away. He could have really hurt you.

  • devolver

    12 years ago

    Yeah guys, he's been asked specifically by the people doing the video to be verbally abusive like this. Hence why I said he was using his Mr Badass "persona." It's just a character, not actually how he is. His real name is Scott Maher and I've heard that he is an extremely nice guy in real life.

  • Yachirobi

    12 years ago

    So many people bitching about free pseudo-porn. It's embarrassing.

    As for me, I think he's hot. I'm not into abuse but I love Scott Gunz's dirty talk. I'm sad he's not doing porn or pro-bodybuilding anymore.

    Tex, I'm sorry for what happened to you. Your ex was a jerk and I'm glad he's not in your life anymore.