Big Connor

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  • davidgantt

    6 months ago

    Connor's best

  • quadfanatic

    7 months ago

    Love at 3:12 when he grabs Elliott by the neck as he's sheepishly caressing his muscles. Even if you're an average or somewhat strong man it's a unique feeling when you realize a muscle god in front of you is on a different level, that they can defeat you with little effort just as at the gym they warm up with the same weight you get 4 reps with at most

  • benoitmax

    2 years ago

    Strong 💪 …

  • evdanker

    3 years ago

    Connor: "I like squeezing people."

  • Hcab

    3 years ago

    Would love to worship him some day!

  • evdanker

    3 years ago

    Of all Big Connor's friends, he seems to enjoy torturing Elliott the most.