Johnny Bravo vs Cameron Matthews

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  • bibearfan

    12 years ago

    Sel - how did you avoid big boners when Sgt. Bravo was in his tight uniform rubbing right up against you yelling at you when you fucked something up??? hot...

  • Sel

    12 years ago

    I love JB he looks just like my old army Sgt.

  • markerbuoy63

    12 years ago


  • TCMiami

    12 years ago

    Oh my GOD! Too much man right there. This is one of the hottest squash matches Ive ever seen. Looks like the muscle god is really laying in the punishment to this half man. WOW. Would love to see more of this guy.

  • barronmissing

    12 years ago

    OMG!!! His strength is phenomenal!!

  • gappythree

    12 years ago

    ..................Hmmmmm I wonder what happened in the shower later?????

  • jbfisher

    12 years ago

    Love watching big hunk Johnny showing off his superior strength against a smaller guy. Thanks for posting.

  • hotdog

    12 years ago

    This is too much I think...