Muscle Markey Spanked

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  • tororey

    6 years ago

    so hot

  • Anonymous

    7 years ago

    Spanked by a negro,,,,,Shame on you Markey


    2 years ago

    Spanked by a negro?? What is that racist comment supposed to mean?

  • xxxcyke

    8 years ago

    Hahaha! His wailing is comical and a turn off. I wish they instructed him to act more natural.

  • Anonymous

    8 years ago

    This is the most conflicting piece of fetish porn I've ever seen. On the one hand, he oversold it. Dude is awful dramatic. And he sounds like a 50s comedian.

    On the other hand, his body is terrific and I'm now looking for a video where he jacks off.