"I GIVE!": Hangman Neckbreakers

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  • Brad_Zac_Evans

    4 years ago

    I LOVED this video from beginning to end. But holy fuck, who is the beautiful blonde with HUGE cock in the last one?! My guess is the incredible Johnny Lightning, but I couldn’t really see his face. I would love to know so I can see more of him. Thanks!

  • muswre

    7 years ago

    Devolver - thanks so much for this series - PLEASE do an AB STRETCH - I give!! thanks

  • sexboysandvideo

    7 years ago

    Terriifc post for all fans of submmission wrestling. Thanks.

  • Anonymous

    8 years ago

    Claw holds and more Sleeper =)

  • devolver

    8 years ago

    Any suggestions for a next I Give video? Thinking of doing a second bearhug one since I have a huge abundance of hot bearhug submissions.

  • huetemann

    8 years ago

    Extremely hot.