Brian Cage Squashes Jobber

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  • skalax01

    3 months ago

    Brian Cage is a god!

  • ticklish3

    12 months ago

    the world's sexiest wrestler...

  • ticklish3

    12 months ago

    cage is the sexiest wrestler out there...I cum just watching him torture his opponents into submission.

  • Pixdix

    1 Year ago

    Such a hot close up swinging bodyslam! Loved it


    12 months ago

    I met Brian last year at an indie wrestling card; he took a pic with me (shirtless) & autographed my 8x10 photo of him..I almost creamed my jeans.

  • HandsomeX

    3 years ago

    Cage's traps are great!

  • huetemann

    8 years ago

    Brian is magnifico. Red trunks is pretty cute.

  • Anonymous

    9 years ago

    Finally after 3 minutes into this video they finally make contact!

  • muscleman63

    9 years ago

    beautiful body, awesome muscle, handsome

  • monsieurunivers2

    9 years ago

    Brian Cage is super hot